Two students come all the way from MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) to CIC!

Two students come all the way from MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) to CIC!

Two students come all the way from MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) to CIC!

Two students, Benjamin and Diane, from the prestigious Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) recently visited our High School as part of a GTL program. The students, who are studying mechanical engineering at MIT, were given the opportunity to share their knowledge and experiences with the Spanish students, who were eager to learn about life at a top American university.  

Our students were thrilled to have the opportunity to interact with the MIT students and learn about their studies and experiences. They asked the visitors many questions about their courses, campus life, and career goals, and were inspired by their passion for science and technology. Not only that but they were delighted to help our students coursing this subject with any problems or doubts they might have encountered while creating their projects. Overall, the visit was a great success and a valuable learning experience for both the MIT students and the CIC Batxillerats students.

It is hoped that this cultural exchange will foster greater understanding and collaboration between the two countries, and inspire the next generation of engineers. Make sure you stay tuned because sooner than what you might expect we will be receiving more visits!



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